lump sums

美 [lʌmp sʌmz]英 [lʌmp sʌmz]
  • n.一次总付的钱款
  • lump sum的复数
lump sumslump sums

lump sums


  • 1
    N-COUNT 一次总付的钱款
    A lump sum is an amount of money that is paid as a large amount on a single occasion rather than as smaller amounts on several separate occasions.

    ...a tax-free lump sum of £50,000 at retirement age.


  1. I 'm only interested in lump sums .


  2. Besides limiting the new supply , analysts say , the government has been selling huge plots and requiring land premiums to be paid up front in massive lump sums , an approach that favors large developers .


  3. And while a traditional commercial bank pays close attention to construction schedules and dispenses funds as the project proceeds , EB-5 investors deliver lump sums , so a developer could spend the money before the project is complete and wind up with a funding shortfall .
